Benvenuto, Papa Francesco!

Kellie Jubela, 2T26, in a hand clasp with the Holy Father, Pope Francis
With hearts overflowing with thanksgiving, Catholic Junior College (CJC) is blessed and grateful to God our Heavenly Father for the momentous visit by His Holiness, Pope Francis, to our college grounds on 13 September 2024.

Chua En Ya 1T14 and Jayden Khoo 1T09 rallying students at the Piazza to welcome Pope Francis

Nandhana Mahesh, 2T10, and Jeremiah Ng, 2T01, welcome His Holiness with garlands

Mrs Woo Soo Min, Principal, welcomes His Holiness to Catholic Junior College

The Holy Father waves to exuberant CJCians

Interreligious Youth with Pope Francis in Catholic Junior College. Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, Mr Edwin Tong, is seated on Pope Francis’s right.
In his dialogue with the youth, His Holiness, Pope Francis, exhorted the young people to have courage, to not be afraid, and to take risks. His encouraging message to the youth was shared by Mrs Woo Soo Min, Principal, CJC, who believes that the young people have what it takes to exercise agency to lead their peers to examine the deeper issues of interreligious unity amidst diversity. She added, “interreligious unity is not a distant slogan, nor a mere aspiration. It is something that we, especially the youths of today, can realise through collective will to build that common good, one that is enduring and promotes the dignity of all, regardless of race and religion.”

The Holy Father prepares to add the finishing touches to the community batik painting

His Holiness Pope Francis adds the finishing touches to the community batik painting in CJC

William Cardinal Goh, Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore, paints the community batik with Ms Janet Ang, Singapore’s Non-Resident Ambassador to the Holy See (first from left).

His Holiness gives a hand to Solar, the CJC mascot that represents the flame of the CJC badge

Thank you and God bless you, Papa Francesco!
The CJC community gives thanks to God and extends her deepest appreciation to everyone who helped to make this Interreligious Youth with Pope Francis, experienced in different ways, a personal encounter with God through the Holy Father. Inspired by the words shared by the Holy Father, may we live our lives promoting the human dignity of all for the common good of society, in solidarity with all in our midst.

Thank you, Papa Francesco. We will pray for you!
In Veritate et Caritate